
Gameplay programmer

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Hey! I'm Axel Ingouf, a gameplay programmer at Activision. Passionate about Physics, gameplay and new technologies that might worship Cyberpunk style a bit too much. I fell in love with Unreal Engine 4 on first sight, and I'm already experimenting with Unreal Engine 5!


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Clone engine is a fully functionnal C++ 3D Game Engine made using Vulkan, PhysX, ImGui and fmod. It was part of my school final project and was used to make several demos. I was personnally in charge of the Physics, Audio, In-Game UI, Editor UI, Memory Management, Multithread and some other Core features.
The Loony Bin was made during Isart Game Week 2021, a 4 days game jam with a team of 2 programmers, 3 3D artists, 2 game designers and 1 sound designer. Our goal was to make a game on the theme of "Generation". So we came up with this horror game taking place in a randomly generated maze inspired by Amnesia and SCP-087.

I mainly worked on the maze generation, with the goal of having a playable level each time you play with all sorts of randomness in the items, rooms, lights and decor placement.

The other programmer, Valentin Dol, worked on other aspects of the game, like the light/shadow design, collectibles and even the enemy. Most of the 3D and 2D assets were made by our 2 main 3D artists, Anna Le Cossec and Juliette Sirulnick.
Isart interdisciplinary project with a team of 3 programmers and 8 3D artists.
Racing game inspired by Mario kart gameplay and Fall Guys artistic direction.
First project on Unreal Engine, without any background in Unity or any other game engine.
Part of an interdisciplinary school project with 3 game designers, we had to develop a game on the theme of Base defense. Eventually during the last 3 weeks, our project being one of the most stable, we ended up integrating another team to ours which had some difficulties in its project.
First real game I did outside my courses that I actually finished. At the time I wanted to make a game I could play with my friends on the school computers, which we eventually did during way to much lunch breaks.

The first version was made using an old 2D java game engine made by previous students. And the second version was made using SDL library in C++ because I wanted to train before applying to Isart Digital Montréal.

Every character can be controlled either by a human or, by an AI. For the AI, I used an A* search algorithm, and it will choose if it goes for the kill or if something more interesting is near.
Obviously, the part where it kills itself was not intended.
First frame bomberman death
Alright, this game doesn't really look like an actual game, even though I entirely programmed a shop, an inventory, 3 types of enemies, 2 weapons and a combat system, I never really put all the pieces together as I was focused on my studies at the time. But if one project really got me started in game programming, that's the one.
Initially a school project to learn SDL with 3 other students, where I was in charge of SDL implementation, win/lose conditions and AI logic. I later decided to remake the game from scratch with all sorts of fixes in the AI in my free time to learn C++.
How could I call myself a programmer if didn't know about the game of life. Well, I went further by programming it, and it might be my first so called game, even though the only gameplay is looking at your screen.
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